Ask and you shall receive. I love all that “manifestation” stuff that many new age books are full of, and its so worth believing in with, with so few down sides to believing in it that you might as well just believe in it.
That’s a bit of a preamble to introducing the fact that no sooner do I finish the previous entry (well a couple of days later) – I’m in a megastore (HMV – Southend-on-Sea if you must know, not been to Southend for years – HMV is where Golden Disc used to be – which features in Morrissey’s Suedehead video, and may even be where I bought the 12”, I certainly got The Stone Roses and Happy Mondays records there…). And anyway, back on track – I’m in the queue buying the new Six Organs cd when I see a basket by the till full of DVDs of Sideways the movie, priced at £3.99. I still feel the same about this DVD ownership thing, but wasn’t the universe saying something to me here? Hell it was even cheaper than my imagination!
So I bought it and watched it – and what can I say – the book was better. Of course I made the fatal error of watching the film too soon after reading the book. Too much of the book was fresh in my mind, so in my head I kept thinking “is this that bit?” or “they left that bit out”, or “this is in the wrong order” rather than just settling down and enjoying the nuances of the film version. I’ve always found Virginia Madsen attractive – so that worked for me as Maya – although wasn’t Maya a brunette in the book – that’s how I imagined her?
They should have kept in the bit with the hillbilly boy who tries to scare them though, I loved that bit (maybe they filmed it, and its one of those “DVD extras – deleted scenes” that I’m too bored to watch).
Maybe I’ll watch the film again in a couple of years (hell I OWN it now) and enjoy it more.
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